Thursday, December 13, 2007

SENIORS: Brave New World Essay

As promised, here are the guidelines again for the essay I will be expecting by January 6 at midnight.

Times New Roman font, size 11. Not double spaced, please one and half (1.5) times spacing.

2-3 pages.

Your topic? Is our world, in 2007, on the path to becoming the Brave New World? Yes or No?

Take a side, do some light research, and email me the essay you write. Please embed the essay text in the email message itself; NO ATTACHEMENTS!

The email address is

Ask if you have specific questions.



Anonymous said...

how do you embed the essay text in the email message?

Unknown said...

Mr. Jameson,

How do you embed the essay text in the email message?

And do we only have to research the Brave New World final in recent events in 2007? Or also in the course of history? please reply soon...

Anonymous said...

copy your essay and then paste it

Anonymous said...

How many body paragrahps do we have to write?

Mr. Jameson said...

To embed the text, just highlight the essay, click on copy, then go to the message part of the email and click paste. It should just magically appear!

Esther, you should know better than to ask how many body paragraphs have to be written. However many need to be written to get your point across (inside 2-3 pages of course).

Maria, depending on your focus, recent history might be your best bet. Events of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, for example, may not provide the most compelling concrete details. Legislation limiting personal freedoms post-9/11 might be very relevant however.a

Anonymous said...

whats your email?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.