Friday, August 31, 2007

Extra Credit Chances

These opportunities for extra credit are valid the entire school year; from Labor Day to Memorial Day. Each one, unless otherwise noted, is worth the same value as a single homework assignment. If you are unsure, always ask me before going if it will count for extra credit.

Plays. Community theatre, college productions, professional plays and the productions of Walnut High School are all valid. Attend, get your ticket stamped or signed by a teacher there, and attach that ticket to your half-page or better review of the play. It is a review. What did you like, and why. What did you not like, and why. Should others attend the play?

Museums. Los Angeles has a wealth of museums covering all sorts of subjects. Modern art, dinosaurs, cowboys, even TV. Attend the museum, and again, attach a ticket stub or receipt or other proof of attendance with your report. The report also must be at least a half page and must tell me what you did and saw. It must also tell me at least one thing you learned that is new to you.

Zoos and aquariums. I treat these the same as museums. I am currently inclined to accept these for extra credit, but that may change, especially if there is a run of people going to Sea World in an attempt at extra credit.

And finally, the Renaissance Faire. This event occurs in the spring and I will talk about it more at that point.

Go out, get culture and extra credit at the same time!

Friday, August 17, 2007


Welcome to the 2007-2008 school year at Walnut High School. Some of you reading this are seniors, some of you have had me as a teacher previously, some of you are freshmen and some of you are still learning English (PLL). Regardless of who you are, welcome. I am hoping we can all have fun and learn a thing or three.

First rule of the blog is as follows. When I post for a particular class, please do not comment unless you are a part of that class. So seniors, no teasing the freshmen, okay?

This blog is intended as another way for us to communicate. Not only will I be posting homework on the blog, but I will be asking additional questions and additional commentary for you to read and respond to. That is one of the main points of this; it's another chance for you to participate in class and interact with your fellow students. I will be checking the blog commentary every time I post. If anything is inappropriate, I delete it and if possible, track down who posted it. Otherwise, I'm simply taking note of who is commenting...and this will be a factor in your participation score. So if you are painfully shy, this is a chance to contribute to the class without having to raise your hand if it terrifies you.

Overall, this is merely an extension of my classroom. Please respect me, please respect each other. Enjoy the year!