Friday, December 28, 2007

FRESHMEN: The Hobbit

It's a pretty easy book, but if you have questions about what is going on, especially now that Bilbo and the dwarfs have finally reached the mountain and come upon Smaug. Ask away!

SENIORS: Brave New World Questions

Please post any questions you may have about the readings you have to do over the break. Remember, by now John the Savage is back in the World State and there will be a great amount of adjustment on both sides. It might be slightly confusing, so ask away!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

SENIORS: Brave New World Essay

As promised, here are the guidelines again for the essay I will be expecting by January 6 at midnight.

Times New Roman font, size 11. Not double spaced, please one and half (1.5) times spacing.

2-3 pages.

Your topic? Is our world, in 2007, on the path to becoming the Brave New World? Yes or No?

Take a side, do some light research, and email me the essay you write. Please embed the essay text in the email message itself; NO ATTACHEMENTS!

The email address is

Ask if you have specific questions.
